I really find today, the first Monday after we roll the clocks back for the end of daylight saving time, to be a great example of the separation of the masses.  What I mean is, much of the conversation on Facebook and Twitter today has been about how long the day is going and for most people that is a negative thing.  For me, I love it. 

I already knew I was weird because I really love Mondays.  Recently I have started to really think about why that is, which is because they hold so much promise for the week.  I love getting up and getting right into what I need to do for my business.  That is not to say that I am morning person, coffee is very important, but Monday’s list is usually the longest and really sets the pace of the week ahead.  It’s exciting.

Now with the rollback of the clock, I woke up more well rested and feel like I have an extra hour.  All day I have been fascinated by how it seems so much later than it is.  It helps me feel like I am going to be able to get that much more done and that makes me happy.  I had a conversation with someone about how maybe we should set the clocks back an hour every month.  Sure it might be weird to sleep through the daylight and work in the dark sometimes, but we could experience this time warp every month.  Sounds fun to me!

Lately I have been noticing a real separation between people who like what they do and people who aren’t very happy with what they do.  Is there a connection?  Maybe Mondays are for people who are pursuing what they love and really enjoy their work.  Maybe people who hate Mondays have jobs where they work for someone else or don’t feel like they are getting what they want out of life.  What do you think?

Do you love Mondays?

Currently licensed in Tennessee, Alabama, Florida, Georgia, Indiana, Iowa, Kansas, Kentucky, Louisiana, Michigan, Mississippi, Missouri, North Carolina, Ohio, South Dakota, Texas, and Virginia.  I am happy to look into needs for states not listed.