dangerThere’s been massive media coverage, controversy and promises, and three years later, the Affordable Care Act (ACA), also known as Healthcare Reform or Obamacare, is finally here. However, despite all the attention, I’m finding people to be more confused than ever. Here are the four misconceptions I am hearing every day as I sit down to consult with my clients.

Misconception #1 – If I Have Health Insurance Now, This Does Not Apply to Me.

Wrong – Nearly all health insurance plans will be converting to a plan that complies with the ACA. Unless you signed up for insurance before March 23, 2010 your plan is likely not “grandfathered” and will be changing, most likely either during the month that you initially signed up or by the end of 2014.

Misconception #2 – If it’s the Affordable Care Act, That Means My Insurance will be Cheaper.

Not Necessarily – Core benefits are being added, like maternity coverage; and pre-existing conditions are no longer a hindrance. But adding people to the pool that previously couldn’t get coverage costs insurers, and they then hand those costs right back to the consumer. Therefore, many people will see sharp increases. However, subsidies may be available to offset costs, depending on your income.

Misconception #3 – I can/should use the government website and buy it from the government.

Not Really – The same major insurance carriers (Blue Cross, Cigna, Humana, etc) that provided insurance before are still going to be providing our insurance now, the only difference is that they are mandated to modify their plans to be ACA compliant. You only need to go online to Healthcare.gov (called the Exchange or the Marketplace) if you are applying for a subsidy to offset the cost of your insurance. I can help you apply for any plan, whether you would like to apply for a government subsidy, or just buying it outside the Exchange. The costs are the exactly the same for a plan in or out of the Exchange, whether you use me as an agent or not. There are many choices between available plans and I can walk you through them and explain the pros and cons of each.

Misconception #4 – I can just use one of those Navigators or volunteers to buy my insurance – they do the same thing.

Sure, but why? – Although Navigators have received limited training and can sign you up, they are most likely not licensed insurance agents and, by law, aren’t supposed to advise people on what plan to pick. Conversely, I am not only certified and trained to sell “Obamacare”, but am knowledgeable about many different insurance companies since I am an independent agent. So, I can and do advise my clients in selecting and comparing plans, as well as walking you through the application process. I have been training full time for 9 years on Health Insurance and offer this to you for free. There is no added cost to use an agent. Why not get an expert in your corner?

There you have it. Call me anytime to go through your options. I will walk you through it and explain it at no charge.

Currently licensed in Tennessee, Alabama, Florida, Georgia, Indiana, Iowa, Kansas, Kentucky, Louisiana, Michigan, Mississippi, Missouri, North Carolina, Ohio, South Dakota, Texas, and Virginia.  I am happy to look into needs for states not listed.