“Eighty percent of being successful in life is showing up” – Woody Allen

As someone in sales, it’s pretty unbelievable to me when people just don’t show up to appointments. Recently though, we started a remodeling project at the house.  I put together a list of electricians based only on recommendations from people I knew.  I called six electricians and told them what I wanted done and asked them to come by.  Of the six, one electrician actually came over.  Others said they would but didn’t.  One called and asked me questions but expressed not wanting to come look, but would take the job if offered.  Tempting.

This week we are looking for a roofer.  Again I made a list of roofers that have worked on roofs for people that I know.  I called eight roofers.  Three came over. One didn’t have a ladder or take any measurements.  What about the other five? Either no shows or no call backs.  It makes no sense to me at all.  Any one of the electricians or roofers I called could have gotten the job, but missed the most important step.  And here we are in a “recession”. 

To be successful, it’s essential to be available when people call. In my business, people are usually in crisis mode when they finally make the call.  They are going to go with the person that assures them that they will be protected.  My goal is to be available when I am needed. Outside of “business hours” I also answer my phone or email on Friday afternoons, nights after 5pm, weekends, holidays.  Consequently, I have seen an increase in my business every year and haven’t been effected by any “economic downturn”.   To me, the first step toward success is simply being there.

Call anytime.

Currently licensed in Tennessee, Alabama, Florida, Georgia, Indiana, Iowa, Kansas, Kentucky, Louisiana, Michigan, Mississippi, Missouri, North Carolina, Ohio, South Dakota, Texas, and Virginia.  I am happy to look into needs for states not listed.