Open Enrollment is Here, so Don’t be a Centipede

Once there was was a very lonely man named Bob. He had grown tired of the listless silence that filled his home and decided that it was time to find a companion, a pet. Not just any pet though, Bob wanted the perfect pet. He Googled late into the night. He visited pet stores, shelters and scoured the newspaper looking for the perfect pet. He finally settled. Bob’s companion was to be a centipede. Bob Read more…

Help! I’m almost 65 – What do I need to know about Medicare?

If you’re nearing your 65th trip around the sun and feeling a little lost when it comes to the wild frontier known as Medicare, I’m here to help. First of all, relax and know that you are not alone. About 10,000 Baby Boomers turn 65 every day, according to Forbes, and that number is expected to double in the next 20 years.  This means more resources and options will surely become available as the playing Read more…

What is Telehealth?

tel·e·health [ˈteləˌhelTH] NOUN the provision of healthcare remotely by means of telecommunications technology. The internet has truly transformed our relationships with our own health.  Got a strange cough?  Google it.  A weird mole?  Do an internet image search.  Your child has a temp?  Find an article.  Having instant information at our fingertips can seem like a godsend… or a portal to becoming a hypochondriac.   Fortunately, the technology, in conjunction with healthcare continues to  progress beyond Read more…

Employee benefits plan

Offering Employee Benefits: Is it Worth the Cost?

Increasing your business’ profitability is the goal of any business-large or small. So it stands to reason that draining money out of the company’s bottom line for the sake of employee benefits can seem like a losing proposition. After all, owners may think, why not keep the money otherwise spent on a group plan and simply let employees find their own insurance? This type of short-term thinking is not the stuff upon which great companies Read more…

Do I need disability insurance?

Disability Insurance: Debunking the Myths

As the cost of healthcare continues to rise, it’s easy to forget that there’s more to life than covering potential healthcare costs, not considering the insurmountable need to earn a living.  Ask yourself this question: If the primary earner in your family was unable to work for a substantial amount of time, how would you pay the bills? This is where disability insurance comes in. Unfortunately, this type of insurance comes with its own set Read more…

Did my Loved One Have Life Insurance?

*Madeleine was a hard-working single mom when life came to an abrupt halt. She was driving to work through dense fog when she fatally collided with another vehicle. Her family and friends were devastated. As her parents tried to move forward with the painful process of burying their youngest daughter, they were also faced with the stark reality of caring for her three young children. This new reality required financial means for which Madeleine’s parents Read more…

Prescription Discount Cards: Yay or Nay?

Prescription Discount Cards. You’ve seen them at your local pharmacy, you’ve seen their ads on TV and have even seen apps for them. But what’s the down-low? How do they work and are they legitimate?   What are prescription discount cards? A prescription discount card is a card that can be used when purchasing drugs at a pharmacy in order to receive a discount. You could think of it as a coupon of sorts.  Unfortunately, Read more…

How to calculate how much term life insurance you need

If something were to happen to you, who do you leave behind?  How do they replace the your income in order to keep living the life they are used to?  This is what life insurance is for.  It is probably less expensive than you think. One of the most common questions I get about life insurance is, “how much do I need?” and here I will explain how I answer that.  The amount of insurance Read more…

Currently licensed in Tennessee, Alabama, Florida, Georgia, Indiana, Iowa, Kansas, Kentucky, Louisiana, Michigan, Mississippi, Missouri, North Carolina, Ohio, South Dakota, Texas, and Virginia.  I am happy to look into needs for states not listed.